Thursday, March 08, 2007

The classical Golden Circle Tour

Geological activity

Silv and me getting a great view on the exploding Strokkur.
We spent hours trying to get shots of all different stages of Geysir :o)

Another site that I've never seen before. The slag crater Kerid is the northernmost one of the crater row called Tjarnarholar. It is elliptic in shape, 270 m long, 170 m wide, and 55 m deep. The pond in it is 7-10 m deep, depending on the ground water level of the area.

Impressions from Gullfoss

Einar Jónsson

Einar Jónsson was Iceland´s first sculptor. He attended the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen from 1896 to 1899.
Jónsson drew inspiration from the Icelandic folklore heritage for "Outlaws" and other works from the first decade of the century, but also used mythological and religious motifs. After residing in Rome from 1902 to 1903, Jónsson completely rejected naturalistic depiction and publicly criticized the classical art tradition, which he felt had weighed artists down.
Einar Jónsson was a groundbreaking figure in Icelandic sculpture and his influence on the visual arts in Iceland has been considerable, though indirect.

Birthday and visitor!

Silvia, a good friend from Kanti came to visit me in Iceland!!! She arrived on March 1st. Her arrival was fun as she was waiting outside Hotel Reykjavik and so was I. BUT there are two hotel Reykjaviks here :o) one in the western part and one in the eastern :o) but we found each other!
On my birthday we had a great breakfast with pancakes and Canadian maple sirup!

Then we went on a hike to Grotta - a light house in Vesturbær.