Sunday, December 31, 2006

27th December

After a big breakfast and a conversation with Dedda where I could practise my still rather poor Icelandic I took Krummi, the black labrador and set of for a hike in the mountains. On the way up at 11am I just managed to see the sunrise in the east.
It was not too cold and there was a complete quietness up in the mountains. No wild animal was to be seen - only Krummi and me. The view from the top of Ósarfjall was rewardinga as always. The farm lay quietly in the bay. On the way down at around 15h30 the sun was ready to set again. Knútur has just bought 4 new foals so he drove them over from the farm he bought them. As they were born in the wild they are not used to humans and we had quite a struggle to get them out of the trailer and get them into the boxes. After a good dinner Knútur, Siggi, Fannar, Isak and me played card games until late in the night. Very peaceful hours and a great atmosphere among the nicest people! They are like a second family to me.


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